Write a program to input the cost price selling price and print the profit earned. Two numbers are input through the keyboard into two locations C and D. 1 2 100 => profit = 197. Gett nears . If a fraction occurs in the 1: Python program to compute compound interest. Net margin is $100k of net income divided by $700k . 66)/100; printf(“cost price of one item=%f”,cp1); getch(); } m) If a five digit number is input through the keyboard,write a program to print a new number by adding one to each of its digits. This program calculates the discount amount and the discounted rate for which you get the product for sale. And amount-discount or 768-153. Write an algorithm to interchange the contents of C and D. Video Tutorial: C Program To Calculate Profit or Loss If cost price and selling price of an item is input through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the seller has made profit or incurred loss. After the end program, print the compound interest. discount_percentage : Datatype float : Discount % on the Product. Total income for this sale is 23,000. A discount of 5% is applicable to the list price. ∴ Selling Price = Cost of Production + Profit. For example, INPUT: Enter the Selling Price of the commodity: 456. Previous: Write a C# Sharp program to check whether an alphabet is a vowel or consonant. cp =float(input("Enter the Cost Price : ")); sp =float(input("Enter the Selling Price : ")); if cp == sp: print("No Profit No Loss") else: if sp > cp: print("Profit of ", sp - cp) else: Write a program to input the Selling Price and Cost Price of a commodity and find the Profit or Loss made upon selling the product. Gross Profit is 20,500. Print whether it incurred profit or loss. P - C. Sample Output: Enter Cost price in OMR: 125 Enter Selling price in OMR: 130 You have profit of 5 OMR Sample Output: Enter Cost price in OMR: 100 Enter Selling price in OMR: 90 You have loss of 10 OMR. $80,000 over the fixed costs) if more or fewer than 80 cars are sold . By then multiplying by 100, it brings the figure up to 100%, the selling price (£18. float total; total += theItem. 40. Profit Maximization Definition. If cost price is greater than selling price than there will be a loss. CAT 2022 Profit and Loss: Concept of successive discounts. P (Where S. If cost price and selling price of an item is input through the keyboard, write a program to determine . INPUT: Enter the Selling Price of the commodity: 300. Scanner; . 50 by 25, this brings the figure down to 1% of the selling price (£0. total profit = 3. Step 3: Finally, the profit for the given amount will be displayed in the output field. 6000 by sudhir in the condition of 20% trade discount and 2. what is the cost . Profit = Selling price – Cost price. It is mainly concerned with the determination of price and output. The profit percentage formula calculates the financial benefits left with the entity after it has paid all the expenses and is expressed as a percentage of cost price or selling price. OUTPUT: Profit: 56. Calculation of Profit on Selling Price: When cost price is given and a certain percentage of profit on selling price has to be calculated, then following formula will be adopted –. C Basic Programs ». Goods purchase Rs. Answer & Explanation. All tutors are evaluated by Course Hero as an expert in their subject area. Examples ( The input i. discount_amount: Datatype float : Discount Amount on the Product. 6 will be initialized to discount. 1) Your college newspaper, The Collegiate Investigator, has fixed production costs of $70 per edition and marginal printing and distribution costs of 40¢ per copy. 4. Pay what you pull raffle formula Paypal you can t send money right now Do ups labels expire EduBirdie is a paid essay writing service that is committed to offering Canadian students premium quality essays for affordable prices while providing a focused, personal approach. Question: Q2 Write a C program to input cost . h> . . # Function to find the maximum profit earned by buying and. print(" Please Enter the Selling Price (Market Price) : "); Formula To Calculate Profit. This article includes the definition of the cost price and the selling price, profit, profit percentage, loss and loss percentage, formulas, and the relation between the cost price and the selling price. If the selling price is more than the cost price then calculate and display actual profit and profit per cent otherwise, calculate and display actual loss and loss per cent. Write a python program to input cost price, selling price of product from user and check whether is profit or loss and also print the Profit/loss amount. 36 : C Program to Calculate Discount Amount. nextFloat(); System. h> int main() . Formula: Profit = (Selling Price - Cost Price) Loss = (Cost Price - Selling Price) Computer Applications. Also in the for loop you should add that to a counter that keeps track of the grand total. Answer =. All input values must greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to 1,000, and the number of pairs of sales unit and sales quantity does not exceed 100. View Extra_Programs_ifelse_Prog. As the given value is greater than 400 and less than or equal to 800, therefore the discount that will be applied on this purchase amount will be 20%. E22-9 Lynn Company had $150,000 of net income in 2010 when the selling price per unit was $150, the variable costs per unit were $90, and the fixed costs were $570,000. Cost: fixed is $70, marginal is 40 CENTS = $0. e. Computer programming. The task is to Calculate the Profit or Loss. // Asking for input cout << "Enter the cost price: "; cin >> cp; cout << "Enter the selling price: "; cin >> sp; Then, the user is asked to enter the cost price and selling price of the product. As of this writing, more than 124 million shares have changed hands. service canada (Government of Canada services and benefits, including: passport applications, Employment Insurance programs, Income Security Program . level that returns the maximum profit. Next, Python calculates the Loss Amount or profit Amount based on those two values using Elif Statement. 1,37,500. 76 less per shirt. Next, calculate the compound interest using this p * (pow ( (1 + r / 100), t)) formula. h> # include<conio. doshi instead of marking up the cost price by 10% discounted the cost price by 10% and prepared the price tag of a shirt. Approach: Formula to calculate cost price if selling price and profit percentage are given: CP = ( SP * 100 ) / ( 100 + percentage profit). h> int Write an algorithm to print the profit or loss of a product as based on product cost price and selling price. Input: Stock Price: {1, 5, 2, 3, 7, 6, 4, 5} k = 3. Step 2: Now click the button “Solve” to get the profit. After quick recap of profit and loss let us code solution for the program. Enter the Cost Price of the . Purchased a Ford F150 from auction for $2500. 5% cash discount the 50% paid up amount in paid by cash Profit= (1,25,000 × 10)/100 = Rs 12,500. Also calculate total profit or loss using if else. cost_price = int (input ("Enter the cost price :-")) selling_price = int (input ("Enter the selling price :-")) print ("Profit earned = ",selling_price - cost_price ) Previous Post Next Post. P. profit = (selling_price – cost_price); Formula To Calculate Loss. Next: Write a program in C# Sharp to calculate and print the Electricity bill of a k = 2. Buy candidate since 2021-01-26 PDF The Ibio Inc stock price gained 0. Write a program to input the cost price, selling price and print the profit earned. ($400,000) other expenses. ADVERTISEMENTS: = Rs. Output. Output: Your profit is 500. Write a program to input cost price, profit (in percentage) and display the selling price. getUnits () * theItem. none Q. Buy at a price 3 and sell at a price 5. If the actual price is 300 and discount is 10%, final price will be : 300 * 10/100 . 4%. Contribute your code and comments through Disqus. P - S. If the total selling price of 15 items and the total profit earned on them is input through the keyboard, write a program to find the cost price of one item. Write a menu driven program to input price and the category ‘0’ (zero) for ground floor, ‘1’ for first floor, ‘2’ for second floor and ‘3’ for third floor Calculating the price after discount : To calculate the final price after discount, we will have to multiply the actual price with the discount . C++ Exercises, Practice and Solution: Write a C++ program that accepts sales unit price and sales quantity of various items and compute total sales amount and the average sales quantity. Merge Maxx 301. ask user to input the quantity sold */ /* Write a switch statement here that will compute the total . j = 0. As long as you have the food cost and the target gross profit percentage, this . Output: The maximum profit is 10 (sum of 4, 5 and 1) Buy at a price 1 and sell at a price 5. Required Knowledge. Formula to calculate cost price if selling price and loss percentage are given: CP = ( SP * 100 ) / ( 100 – percentage loss ). Answer (1 of 4): First let me tell you the mathematical formula to calculate sales price from cost price based on discount which is Sales Price = Cost Price - (Discount Percentage * Cost Price) So if you need to program same in C++, you need to convert above formula into mr. $500,000 gross profit. the fixed costs) selling cars at $24,000 results in a profit, assuming 80 cars are sold (80 contributions of $6,000 = $480,000, i. e. for example if . short run to identify the most efficient manner to increase profits. # start from the second element. a) Write down the associated cost, revenue, and profit functions. Example Input: Input cost price: 1000 Input selling price: 1500 Output: Profit: 500 b. Peer2profit payment proof 1 day ago · Jan 15, 2022 · Der Ibio-Kurs wird am 14. 00. Use a python input () function in your python program that takes an input (principal amount, rate of interest, time) from the user. This article helps in better understanding the topic cost price and selling price. It is an important assumption. because of the mistake the company earned rs. Answer: First, write a set of ordinary language instructions detailing the things you want to happen. The selling price of an item is the price at which it is sold. ) Write a C++ program that asks the user to enter the number of pages to be faxed. Loss = Cost price – Selling price. Chapter - 1: Getting Started If the total selling price of 15 items and the total profit earned on them is input through the keyboard, write a program to find the cost price of one item. By dividing £4. Write a program in Java to accept the cost price and the selling price of an article and calculate either profit percent or loss percent. import java. h> int main() Return the maximum profit you can achieve from this transaction. cost_p = float (input ("Enter the cost price : ")) selling_p = float (input ("Enter the selling price : ")) """ formula to calculate the profit and loss amount profit = sp - cp loss = cp - sp """ if selling_p > cost_p: #if selling price is more . price : Datatype float : Actual price of the Product. G = P / R. Sold it for $22500 plus an extended warranty for $500. print(" Please Enter the Actual Product Cost : "); unitPrice = sc. That gives you the total for that particular item. - Costprice_if_else. User Input: Enter the cost price of the product 1500 Enter the selling price of the product 2000. If you look at the above formula closely, you would see that the multiplication is nothing else . Enter the Cost Price of the commodity: 400. e the no of days can vary ) 5 3 2 => profit = 0 // since the price decreases each day ,the max profit we can make = 0. EduBirdie is a paid essay writing service that is committed to offering Canadian students premium quality essays for affordable prices while providing a focused, personal approach. in); System. For a product priced at 1, you will get . If successive discounts of x% and y% are allowed on the marked price M of the discount, then, after discount the customer finally ends up paying: Selling Price = (1-x%) (1-y%) x Marked Price. C printf and scanf functions; If Else statement in C; If Selling Price > Cost Price; Profit = Selling Q. Example Input-: CP = 600 SP = 100 Output-: loss incurred = 500 Input-: CP = 100 SP = 500 Output-: profit gained = 400. First run: Enter the cost price: 1000 Enter the selling price: 1500 profit = 500 Second run: Enter the cost price: 2000 Enter the selling price: 1500 loss = 500 Third run: Enter the cost price: 1000 Enter the selling price: 1000 No profit no loss. Your code would look something like. io. Program to calculate profit or loss Write a C++ program to input cost price and selling price of a product and check profit or loss. If you cannot achieve any profit, return 0. Below is the required implementation: If cost price is greater than selling price then there is a loss otherwise profit. h> #include <stdlib. print("Enter a digit with at least four decimal places:"); x=input. Required Knowledge C printf and scanf functions If Else statement in C If Selling Price > Cost Price Profit = Selling Price - Cost Price If Selling Price < Cost Price Loss = Cost Price - Selling Price If Selling Price = Cost Price No Profit . Input salesman number, sales amount, and salesman type - Answered by a verified Business Tutor . # Python Program to Calculate Profit or Loss actual_cost = float (input (" Please Enter the Actual Product Price: ")) sale_amount = float (input (" Please Enter the Sales Amount: ")) if input “enter cost price&selling price”; cp, sp if cp > sp then lp = ((cp - sp)/cp) * 100 print "loss percentage="; lp elseif sp > cp then pp = ((sp - cp)/cp) * 100 print "profit percentage"; pp else print "neither profit nor loss" end if : end using sub procedure declare sub pp(sp, cp) cls input “enter cost price&selling price”; cp, sp call pp(sp, cp) end Python program to check where is profit or loss. If the total selling price of 15 items and the total profit earned on them is input through the keyboard, write an Write a program to find out the commission earned by a salesman. if the selling price is more than the cost price and then calculate and display actual profit and profit percent otherwise, calculate and display actual loss or loss percent is the cost price in the selling price are equal ,the program displays the message 'neither Profit = SP – CP Loss = CP – SP Profit percentage = (Profit /Cost Price) x 100 Loss percentage = (Loss / Cost price) x 100 Java Code For Profit & Loss For writing any code, following certain systematic steps makes it easy. Output: The maximum profit is 7 (sum of 5 and 2) Buy at a price 2 and sell at a price 7. Report shows cost of goods sold as the original purchase of 2500. Profit percentage is of two types: – a) Markup expressed as a percentage of cost price. # selling shares any number of times. Write a program to enter the cost price and selling price of an item. nextDouble(); To calculate the selling price or revenue R based on the cost C and the desired gross margin G, where G is in decimal form: R = C / ( 1 - G) The gross margin is the Profit divided by the selling price or revenue R. Write a program to convert and print this distance in meters, feet, inches and centimeters. P is Selling Price and C. 6 or 614. A software company sells a package that retails for $99. So, the gross profit P is the selling price or revenue R times the gross margin G, where G is in decimal form : P = R * G. The algorithm then uses the number of This python program allows the user to enter the Sales amount and Actual cost of a Product. Approach used in the given program is as follows If cost price and selling price of an item is input through the keyboard, write a C program to determine whether the seller has made profit or incurred loss. Scanner; public class ProfitorLoss { private static Scanner sc; public static void main(String[] args) { float saleAmount, unitPrice, amount; sc = new Scanner(System. Profit= (1,25,000 × 10)/100 = Rs 12,500. = Rs. Write a C program to enter cost price and selling price and find profit or loss using if else statement. 18). Also print the profit or loss percentage, whichever applicable. Formula to calculate profit and loss Profit = S. Note that buying on day 2 and selling on day 1 is not allowed because you must buy before you sell. 50/25× 100 = £18. How Does This Program Work ? int cp, sp, profit, loss; In this program, we have declared four int data type variables named cp, sp, profit and loss. If the cost price and the selling price are equal, the program displays the message 'Neither profit nor loss'. Chapter - 3: The Decision Control If the cost price and selling price of an item is input through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the seller has made a profit or incurred loss. If Selling price is greater than cost price than there will be a profit. Put in total of $1210 in cleaning and repairs and prep work to get it ready for sale. g. 2. Profit maximization can be defined as a process in the long run or. #include <stdio. Write a C program to find maximum between two numbers. Contribute to RyukiMurthi/FRC development by creating an account on GitHub. System. Also determine how much profit he made or loss he incurred. util. write a java program to input the cost price and the selling price of an article. 32. Solution. 1 3 1 2 =>profit = 3 // we buy at 1 sell at 3 , then we buy at 1 and sell at 2 . My Solution : a) Find the day when the stock price was largest . Example 1: Input: prices = [7,1,5,3,6,4] Output: 5 Explanation: Buy on day 2 (price = 1) and sell on day 5 (price = 6), profit = 6-1 = 5. P is Cost Price) Loss = C. 11. *; public class Q7 . Therefore, (amount*20)/100 or (768*20)/100 or (15360)/100 or 153. 10% means, you will get discount of 10 for a product priced at 100. ($200,000) cost of goods sold. def findMaxProfit ( price): # keep track of the maximum profit gained. In your for loop you need to multiply the units * price. profit = 0. # initialize the local minimum to the first element's index. #include<stdio. Examples: Input: CP = 1500, SP = 2000 Output: 500 Profit Input: CP = 3125, SP = 1125 Output: 2000 Loss. $100,000 net income. # include<stdio. . out. The Collegiate Investigator sells for 50¢ per copy. Write a program to input the cost price and the selling price of an article. 00). // Program calculates sales, based on an input of product // number and quantity sold import java. At the most basic, non-user-friendly level this would be: Input the cost price (CP) Input the selling price (SP) Profit (P) = SP — CP Display P. If cost price and selling price of an item is input through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the seller has made profit or incurred loss. 1. pdf from CS 123A at Ahmedabad Institute of Technology. Answer = cost_price = float(input("Enter cost price :-")) profit = float(input("Enter profit (in percentage) : Given the Cost Price(CP) and Selling Price(SP) of a product. getPrice (); selling cars at $23,000 results in breaking even, assuming the target 80 cars are sold (80 contributions of $5,000 per car = $400,000, i. c. The procedure to use the profit calculator is as follows: Step 1: Enter the cost price and the selling price in the respective input field. To calculate the selling price based on this information: £4. Income Statement: $700,000 revenue. 4 will be initialized to amountToBePaid. Clrscr(); printf(“enter the selling price and profit earned of 15 items=”); scanf(“%f %f”,&sp,&pf); total=sp+pf; cp1=(total*6. 08-Jul-2021 2019 when it merged with Florida-based Rapid Pathogen Screening. h> int main () { float cost_price, selling_price, profit, loss; Q2 Write a C program to input cost price and selling price of a product and check profit or loss. Based on the above income statement figures, the answers are: Gross margin is equal to $500k of gross profit divided by $700k of revenue, which equals 71. 1,25,000 + 12,500. loss = (cost_price – selling_price); Expected Output for the Input. com. // Java Program to Calculate Profit or Loss import java. 3.

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